
Function Room and Event Booking

Follow one of the links above to submit an online enquiry to the conference team.

Please note this is not an automatic booking system. The conference team will confirm your booking as soon as possible.

Conferences and Events

If you would like to enquire about holding an event, please click 'Event Booking' and log in/register an account. This will allow you to review and edit your equiries as well as submit new enquiries without re-entering your contact information. Once you are logged in, follow the instructions to submit an enquiry.

Supervision Rooms

FOR MARCH SUPERVISIONS ONWARDS If you are a supervisor of Magdalene students, please follow the 'Supervision Room Booking' to request a supervision space in college. You do not need to login/create an account. Please note this is not an automatic booking system.

Student Activities and Events

FOR MARCH ACTIVITES ONWARDS If you are a Magdalene Student seeking to book a society or group event, follow the 'Student Activity Booking' link to submit an enquiry. You do not need to login/create an account. Please note this is not an automatic booking system. You must recieve confirmation from the conference team before your booking can take place.

If you have any difficulties with the enquiry forms, please contact the conference office directly via email: conferences@magd.cam.ac.uk
